
配備滑蓋鍵盤的 BlackBerryPRIV 目測竟比 Samsung Galaxy Note5 更薄

配備滑蓋鍵盤的 BlackBerryPRIV 目測竟比 Samsung Galaxy Note5 更薄


一位幸運的 Reddit 用戶 “imsorandom” 表示,他在多倫多的 CISO 大會活動中,已經率先體驗到了 BlackBerryPriv 的真機……

他還在Reddit 撰文分享時表示 BlackBerry Priv 非常苗條,機身厚度比他所用的 Galaxy Note 5 更薄(7.5毫米機身),系統流暢而且沒有遲鈍,實體鍵盤也繼承了 BlackBerry 的優越手感。

BlackBerry Priv 結合了 BlackBerry 手機安全性和生產力,以 Android OS 平台上再加上 BES 12 的支持及互相結合,新的設備將提供 Android OS 最佳的安全性,目標客戶為企業客戶。

BlackBerry 仍保證致力於 BlackBerry 10 操作系統,將繼續發展和加強BlackBerry 10操作系統,並確認了 BlackBerry OS 10.3.3 已計劃在2016年三月推出,增強於安全性和保密性平台的更新。更多BlackBerry 的消息請留意我們黑莓會的後續報導吧……


I got a chance to play with the Priv. My impressions self.Android
by imsorandomNote 5 32GB
At a conference I was at today, one of BlackBerry’s executives had a ‘Priv’ which he let me play with for a bit. I must admit, it’s a VERY nice device. It was actually thinner than my Note 5!
It also seemed snappy and smooth and the keyboard was also very nice. It had full access to the Play store as you would expect and he had a few apps loaded.
The screen was very nice with a high PPI and it seemed to curvey around the edges. I have to say that I’m definitely interested in Blackberry again! I’ll update with pics when I get home.

Source: Reddit.com


更多的 BlackBerry PRIV 相關文章:


[ 配備滑蓋鍵盤的 BlackBerryPRIV 目測竟比 Samsung Galaxy Note5 更薄 ]


▲BlackBerry Priv 打開鍵盤狀態時的拍照畫面。



▲BlackBerry Priv 機身厚度比他所用的 Galaxy Note 5 更薄(7.5毫米機身)。



▲BlackBerry Priv 後置鏡頭為 1,800 萬像素 Schneider Kreuznach,最大支援4K/30fps 的拍片功能。


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