BlackBerry 官方正式宣佈將推出首台運行 Android OS 的 “BlackBerry Priv” (前代號為 BlackBerry Venice)
BlackBerry 官方正式宣佈將推出首台運行 Android OS 的 “BlackBerry Priv” (前代號為 BlackBerry Venice)
傳聞已久的 BlackBerry Venice 會在11月至12月開售,除了工程測試機神秘現身在加拿大多倫多電影節 (TIFF)中,BlackBerry Venice 實機照片被流出,BlackBerry Venice 操作影片流出外。今天 BlackBerry 官方正式宣佈,將推出首台運行 Android OS 的 “BlackBerry Priv” (前代號為 BlackBerry Venice)。
在BlackBerry 在佈2016年第二季度財政業績的同時,BlackBerry 計劃推出 “BlackBerry Priv” (前代號為 BlackBerry Venice),BlackBerry Priv 結合了 BlackBerry 手機安全性和生產力,以 Android OS 平台上再加上 BES 12 的支持及互相結合,新的設備將提供 Android OS 最佳的安全性,目標客戶為企業客戶。
BlackBerry 預計BlackBerry Priv 在今年年底上市,更多的細節及詳情將會在未來幾週內公佈。BlackBerry 仍然致力於 BlackBerry 10操作系統,將繼續發展和加強BlackBerry 10操作系統,並確認了 BlackBerry OS 10.3.3 已計劃在2016年三月推出,增強於安全性和保密性平台的更新。更多BlackBerry 的消息請留意我們黑莓會的後續報導吧……
BlackBerry Reports Fiscal 2016 Second Quarter Results
“At the same time, we are focused on making faster progress to achieve profitability in our handset business. Today, I am confirming our plans to launch Priv, an Android device named after BlackBerry’s heritage and core mission of protecting our customers’ privacy.
Priv combines the best of BlackBerry security and productivity with the expansive mobile application ecosystem available on the Android platform,” continued Mr. Chen.
Handheld Device Roadmap
Today, BlackBerry is announcing two new additions to its handheld device roadmap.
First, the company will launch a flagship slider device, Priv, which will run on the Android operating system, bringing together the best of BlackBerry security and productivity with the expansive mobile application ecosystem available on the Android platform. In combination with BlackBerry’s efforts to support Android for Work on the BES12 platform, the new device will offer best in class security for enterprise customers.
BlackBerry expects the device to be available late in the calendar year in major markets in-store and online, and will release further details in the coming weeks. While the new device will provide a choice in OS to new and existing customers, the company remains committed to the BlackBerry 10 operating system, which enables industry leading security and productivity benefits.
Second, the company will continue to develop and enhance the BlackBerry 10 operating system and is confirming plans to release platform updates focused on security and privacy enhancements, with version 10.3.3 scheduled to be available in March 2016.
Source: Press.blackberry.com , Render Photo: CrackBerry.com
[ BlackBerry 官方正式宣佈將推出首台運行 Android OS 的 “BlackBerry Priv” (前代號為 BlackBerry Venice) ]
▲”BlackBerry Priv” (前代號為 BlackBerry Venice) 3D設計概念渲染圖。
▲這是在MWC2015 BlackBerry手機部門主管 Ron Louks 向外界展示的 “BlackBerry Priv” (前代號為 BlackBerry Venice) 工程實體機。
▲”BlackBerry Priv” (前代號為 BlackBerry Venice) 工程實體機黑色和白色版本。
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