BlackBerry Venice 工程測試機神秘現身在加拿大多倫多電影節(TIFF)中
BlackBerry Venice 工程測試機神秘現身在加拿大多倫多電影節(TIFF)中
傳聞中的 BlackBerry Venice 會在11月至12月開售,除了發現心急網店“磐石美國官網”現已開始接受預購(Expansys US Pre Order)之外。近日 BlackBerry Venice 工程測試機也神秘現身在加拿大多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF)中,估計是測試人員或者員工帶出該機使用,看來完成度已經非常高。
從被拍到的照片中所看到,BlackBerry Venice 採用類似 Samsung Edge 的雙曲面顯示屏,側邊圍繞一個銀色金屬邊框。更多BlackBerry 的消息請留意我們黑莓會的後續報導吧……
以下是網絡上傳聞中 BlackBerry Venice 資料(所有資料沒經證實,只作參考):
BlackBerry Venice Features
- Please note that information contained below is speculative and may change significantly prior to release.Blackberry’s first foray into the Android world is perhaps the smartphone both Android and Blackberry fans have been hoping for years. Combining Blackberry’s keyboards and engineering prowess together with a rich and robust Android app ecosystem, the Blackberry Venice promises to be the first flagship QWERTY keyboard device for Android in years.
- Rumored Specs:
- Snapdragon 808 Processor
- 5.4″ Curved Glass Screen
- Slideout QWERTY Keyboard
- 18MP Camera
- Shipping Weight: 0.99lb
Source and Images: BlackBerryOS & BerryFlow
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▲BlackBerry Venice 採用類似 Samsung Edge 的雙曲面顯示屏,側邊圍繞一個銀色金屬邊框。
▲再來看看早前爆料達人 @Evleaks 在其 Twitter 上最先發佈的動畫吧。
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