
[新聞稿] BLACKBERRY 首部 ANDROID 安全智能手機 PRIV 正式登陸香港

[新聞稿] BLACKBERRY 首部 ANDROID 安全智能手機 PRIV 正式登陸香港


BlackBerry 官方今天(11月12日)向傳媒發出新聞稿,宣佈BLACKBERRY 首部 ANDROID 安全智能手機 PRIV 正式登陸香港,以下為 BlackBerryPRIV 在香港銷售的詳請……



香港,20151112 全球安全流動通訊領導品牌BlackBerry LimitedNASDAQBBRYTSXBB)宣佈將於11月中旬在香港推出BlackBerryAndroid智能手機PRIV by BlackBerry®PRIV集功能和外型於一身,BlackBerry最出色的生產力私隱功能與龐大的Google Play 應用程式商店結合。它的設計採用了最佳的技術使機身保持典雅纖薄,配備雙曲面屏幕,輕觸和實體鍵盤、技術最頂尖的1,800萬像素鏡頭和長效電池。除此以外,PRIV更具備獨有的程式可讓用戶有效監察手機的資料,保障個人私隱。


BlackBerry北亞地區董事總經理梁凱風先生表示:「打造BlackBerry首部Android智能手機印證了我們為拓展業務和多元化市場策略踏出最勇敢和最令人興奮一步BlackBerry 一向致力協助世界各地的專業人士和企業在不同平台上更有效更安全地操作,提升生產力。用戶首次在享受BlackBerry的最佳功能時,同時使用Android系統和享受其帶來的方便。我們對跨越這一大歩並不感到意外,因為BlackBerry一直迅速擴所有作業系統平台上的產品組合包括我們的BES12BBM訊息,以及其他的企業軟件與服務組合。」




  • 優化安全監控獨家的DTEK by BlackBerry® Android應用程式可監察和報告應用程式在用戶手機的麥克風,頭,位置和個人資料的存取記錄用戶有信心個人資料不會洩密。用戶可以對手機的安全指數一目了然,當指數處於危險用戶可即時採取相應行動改善。
  • 硬件安全性– BlackBerry硬件的安全度源於信任。它的裝置配件以獨特的工序產生,在製作過程為每個硬件加入密鑰,從基本的硬件開始確保整個平台的安全度。
  • 安全驗證裝置啟動流程由硬件、作業系統到應用程式,裝置的每一部分都會加入密鑰認證功能,以確保它們沒有被篡改。另外,BlackBerry亦已作出過千項修改強化對Linux 核心的保護,以提高安全性。
  • BlackBerry EMM解決方案PRIV可以與領先的EMM解決方案BES12整合其他裝置一樣可跨平台管理,為企業用戶提供一個完點對點安全解決方案。它更可確保應用程式如語音保密程式Secusuite和文件共享平台WatchDox安全應用。



用戶可透過PRIV體驗BlackBerry跨平台為客戶提供更多的安全解決方案選擇,無縫結合包括BlackBerry Hub BlackBerry Calendar等的BlackBerry 10主要功能,提升工作效率。其他主要功能包括:

  • 體驗所有的Android應用程式和其生態系統PRIVAndroid平台帶來了令人驚喜的新功能用戶更可隨意在Google Play下載多達一百的應用程式,例如InstagramSpotifyUber BBM®
  • 兼取兩種鍵盤之長PRIV讓用戶自由選擇使用輕觸式鍵盤或實體鍵盤以提升輸入速度及準確性。
  • 華麗堅固的屏幕震撼性的5.4巨大雙曲面OLED顯示屏為使用手機工作遊戲的用戶增加更大空間,以的耗電量提供豐富色彩,亦加色色彩。屏幕解像度高達2560×1440,讓手機擁有難以想像540屏幕像素密度(PPI),即代表標準高清電視像數的4倍。另外,屏幕的弧邊亦設有捷徑標籤讓用戶透過BlackBerry Hub, 可檢視Calendar, 項目欄及通訊錄中各項相關信息,一目了然。
  • 電池支援全日使用量 PRIV配備3410 mAh電池,電力足以應付連續工作長達22.5小時的需要(混合使用)*
  • 技術最頂尖的鏡頭鏡頭研發的目的是讓用戶可容易拍攝專業水平的照片。這個1,800萬像素鏡頭不僅通過Schneider-Kreuznach®認證,更加入了單反鏡頭常見的技術。
  • 強大效能與可擴充記憶PRIV配備Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 Hexa-Core處理器,以最優質芯片為客戶提供最佳用戶體驗。加上Qualcomm® SecureMSM 技術和Qualcomm® Snapdragon StudioAccess 的保護內容技術,使客戶可享安心。另外,PRIV32 GB記憶體,並支援高達2TBmicro SD卡,讓用戶靈活地增加經濟實惠和熱插拔的記憶體,因應本身不斷變化的需要下載、安裝、拍攝及分享不同項目。
  • BlackBerry® Natural Sound – PRIV配備了強大的揚聲器和三個麥克風系統,提供了高品質的聽覺享受。在BlackBerry® Natural Sound技術可連接無線網絡,並根據手機的位置和背景噪音,自動調節音量,省卻手動調教。
  • Android for Work – PRIV將成為工作的最佳工具。 Android for Work集快速,簡單,安全於一身支援企業。無縫整合Google Play for Work後,可方便接駁IT部門所管理的應用程式。





PRIV建議零售價$6,48811月中旬在電訊商中國移動香港有限公司、香港移動通訊有限公司旗下的csl. 1O1O、數碼通電訊集團有限公司、3香港,以及指定零售商百老匯攝影器材有限公司、中原電器行有限公司、豐澤、香港蘇寧、Nuance-Watson (HK) Limited、衛訊及經銷商 Qool International Ltd發售。

欲了解更多有關PRIV的資訊,請前往www.BlackBerry.com/PRIV,及留意Inside BlackBerry網誌,緊貼PRIV所有最新消息。 

* 根據混合使用情況。電池使用時間受多項因素影響,包括網絡連接、應用程式使用、功能配置及電池壽命。實際結果可能不同。


BlackBerry’s First Powered By Android Secure Smartphone In Hong Kong

PRIV Delivers the Best of BlackBerry Privacy and Productivity to the Largest App Ecosystem

“Building our first BlackBerry smartphone powered by Android is one of the boldest and most exciting steps BlackBerry has taken to expand and diversify our strategy to help professionals and organizations around the world operate more productively, effectively and securely across a wide range of platforms,” said Gallant Leon, Managing Director, North Asia, BlackBerry. “For the first time, users will have the best of BlackBerry while enjoying the access and flexibility of Android. This step shouldn’t be a surprise as we’ve been quickly expanding BlackBerry’s product portfolio across all operating system platforms – as we have done with BES12, BBM messaging and the rest of our enterprise software and services portfolio.”


A New Standard for Security and Privacy 

PRIV was designed with security at its core, building on BlackBerry’s legacy of security and keeping private its customers’ data. Security highlights include:

  • · Advanced Privacy Controls: The exclusive DTEK™ by BlackBerry® app for Android™ monitors and reports on application access to the microphone, camera, location and personal information, enabling users to be confident that their personal data is being kept private. Users can know at a glance when their privacy could be at risk so they can take action to improve it.
  • · Secure Hardware: BlackBerry’s hardware root of trust, a unique manufacturing process, injects cryptographic keys into the device hardware, providing a secure foundation for the entire platform.
  • · Verified Boot and Secure Bootchain: Keys have been embedded to verify every layer of the device from hardware to OS to applications in order to make sure they haven’t been tampered with. Additionally, thousands of modifications were made to harden the Linux kernel with numerous patches and configuration changes to improve security.
  • · Fully supported on BlackBerry’s EMM Solution: PRIV can be integrated with our leading EMM solution, BES 12, which offers cross-platform management of PRIV and other devices; providing a full end to end security solution and secure collaboration applications for business users like Secusuite for secure voice and WatchDox for secure file sharing.


A New Standard for the Slider Form Factor

As part of BlackBerry’s cross-platform strategy to provide a greater choice of secure solutions to its customers, users will see a seamless merging of key BlackBerry 10 productivity features like the BlackBerry Hub and BlackBerry Calendar into PRIV. Additional key features include:

  • ·  Full Android App and Ecosystem Experience – PRIV brings incredible new features to the Android platform and gives users full access to over one million applications: whether it’s Instagram, Spotify, Uber or BBM®, you’ll find it on Google PlayTM.
  • ·  Best of Both Keyboards – offers the freedom to choose between a virtual keyboard or a physical keyboard for speed and accuracy.
  • ·  Tough and Beautiful Screen – A stunning 5.4-inch immersive dual-curve OLED display offers plenty of room to work or play with rich colors, deep black levels and less power consumption. At a resolution of 2560×1440, it sports an incredible pixel density of 540 PPI – 4x the amount of pixels of a standard HDTV. Along the screen’s curved edge is the Productivity Tab that provides an “at a glance” view of the most pertinent info from BlackBerry Hub, Calendar, Task, and Contacts.
  • ·  Full-day Battery Life PRIV has a 3410 mAh battery with enough power to work up to 22.5 straight hours of mixed usage*.
  • ·  State-of-the-Art Camera – Engineered to deliver professional looking photos with minimal effort, an 18MP camera, certified by Schneider-Kreuznach®, integrates technologies commonly found in DSLR cameras.
  • ·  Powerful Performance and Expandable Storage – PRIV is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 processor, a premium-tier chipset designed to offer consumers a superior and compelling user experience along with peace of mind with Qualcomm® SecureMSM™ technology and Qualcomm® Snapdragon Studio Access™ content protection. Plus, with 32 GB of onboard storage and support for micro SD cards up to 2TB, the new PRIV gives users the flexibility to add affordable and hot-swappable storage to download, install, capture and share as their needs evolve.
  • ·  BlackBerry® Natural Sound – PRIV comes with powerful speakers and a three-microphone system that delivers a high-quality listening experience. BlackBerry® Natural Sound Technology is built in to adapt Wi-Fi and cellular call sound depending upon phone position and background noise, automatically adjusting volume so users don’t have to.
  • ·  Android™ for Work – PRIV comes ready for work. Android for Work support allows for fast, simple and secure integration with the enterprise environment. Seamless integration with Google Play for Work enables easy access to IT-managed apps.


While PRIV will provide a choice in operating system to new and existing customers, the company remains committed to the BlackBerry 10 operating system, and will continue to release platform updates focused on security and privacy enhancements.


Availability and Pricing

PRIV will be available at an MSRP of HK$6,488 and will be available at China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited, csl. and 1O1O under CSL Mobile Limited, SmarTone and 3 Hong Kong; as well as authorized resellers including Broadway Photo Supply Ltd, Chung Yuen Electrical Co, Ltd, Fortress, Hong Kong Suning, Nuance-Watson (HK) Limited and Wilson Communications Ltd and authorized distributor Qool International Ltd.

For more information on PRIV, go to www.BlackBerry.com/PRIV. Follow all updates to PRIV on the Inside BlackBerry blog.

* Based on mixed usage scenario.  Many factors affect battery life, including network connectivity, application usage, feature configuration and battery age. Actual results may vary.

Source: BlackBerry


更多的 BlackBerry PRIV 相關文章:



[新聞稿] BLACKBERRY 首部 ANDROID 安全智能手機 PRIV 正式登陸香港


PRIV建議零售價$6,48811月中旬在電訊商中國移動香港有限公司、香港移動通訊有限公司旗下的csl. 1O1O、數碼通電訊集團有限公司、3香港,以及指定零售商百老匯攝影器材有限公司、中原電器行有限公司、豐澤、香港蘇寧、Nuance-Watson (HK) Limited、衛訊及經銷商 Qool International Ltd發售。



▲Model 聯同君陽證券董事兼行政總裁鄧聲興先生、BlackBerry 北亞地區董事總經理梁凱風先生及亞太區產品管理高級總監鄭財山先生合照。


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