[PRIV得奬] BlackBerryPRIV 榮獲 Red Dot Award for Product Design 2016 (紅點產品設計大獎)
[PRIV得奬] BlackBerryPRIV 榮獲 Red Dot Award for Product Design 2016 (紅點產品設計大獎)
BlackBerry PRIV 經過41個評委會成員評審後,在57個國家中的5214投稿產品中勝出 Red Dot Award for Product Design 2016 (紅點產品設計大獎)。這是自2013年起,Z10、Porsche Design P’9981、Q10、Q5 、Z30、Passport 後再次勝出產品設計大獎……
在 2015 年 BlackBerry Passport 勝出 Red Dot: Best of the Best for its innovative design。
在 2014 年 BlackBerry Q10、Q5、Z30 勝出 Red Dot award。
在 2013 年 BlackBerry Z10 勝出 Red Dot award,Porsche Design P’9981 勝出手機項目的 “Best of the Best”。
紅點設計大獎(英語:Red dot design award)是由德國著名設計協會Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen於1955年創立,通過對產品設計(product design),傳達設計(communication design)以及設計概念(design concept)的競賽,每年吸引了超過60個國家,1萬件作品投稿參賽,得獎的作品可以獲得在德國Essen的紅點博物館展出作品以及參加頒獎典禮的機會。 紅點設計大獎與德國iF獎、美國IDEA獎並稱為世界三大設計獎。
PRIV demonstrated its design prowess in one of the most important competitions dedicated to product design, Red Dot Product Design 2016. Red Dot awarded PRIV the Product Design award for high design quality, where only outstanding products were recognized for their achievements. PRIV was selected from a record number of 5,214 products from 57 nations, where 41 jury members designated the awards.
Blackberry has consistently been recognized by Red Dot for its outstanding work in design. In 2015, the BlackBerry Passport won Red Dot: Best of the Best for its innovative design. In 2014 the BlackBerry Q10 won a Red Dot award and again in 2013 with the BlackBerry Z10. In 2013 Porsche Design won in the “Best of the Best” category for Porsche Design P’9981 smartphone.
Source and Images: http://blogs.blackberry.com/2016/03/priv-by-blackberry-wins-red-dot-award-for-product-design-2016/
[PRIV得奬] BlackBerryPRIV 榮獲 Red Dot Award for Product Design 2016 (紅點產品設計大獎)
▲BlackBerry PRIV 經過41個評委會成員評審後,在57個國家中的5214投稿產品中勝出是次獎項。
▲紅點設計大獎(英語:Red dot design award)是由德國著名設計協會Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen於1955年創立,通過對產品設計(product design),傳達設計(communication design)以及設計概念(design concept)的競賽。
▲BlackBerry Passport已榮獲Red Dot Award: Product Design 2015。
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