[PRIV更新] BlackBerryPRIV 正式推送 Android Marshmallow 棉花糖 (Android M) (16年5月份)
[PRIV更新] BlackBerryPRIV 正式推送 Android Marshmallow 棉花糖 (Android M) (16年5月份)
BlackBerry PRIV 在經過了一個月的兩次測試計劃後,終於在5月3日向用戶正式推送出 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow 棉花糖 (Android M),這是在12月7日的首個大型 OTA (檔案約4xxMB) 更新後,第六個系統及安全 OTA 小更新 (檔案約1100或1771MB) (16年5月份)……
估計這次 OTA 更新也會分兩批進行推送,第一批收到推送的是直接從官方商店 ShopBlackBerry 購買 BlackBerry PRIV ,而第二批收到推送的則是從營運商購買的 BlackBerry PRIV 。
- 是次 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow 棉花糖 (Android M)更新檔案約1100或1771MB。
- 要留意的是更新過程需時約一小時,及會用掉約30%電量。
- BlackBerryPRIV 更新後的 Android 版本為6.0.1,系統版本號碼為 AAE570。
- Android 安全性修補程式等級及日期(2016年5月1日),PRIV 的安全性修補程式就是比Nexus更早收到通新。
More Privacy and Security
You get more ways to monitor and control your privacy and better protect PRIV from malware, hacks and data breaches with Marshmallow on PRIV.
- Customized Personal Data Permissions – Apps demand access to personal data, even when it’s not necessary for the app to function properly, but DTEK now gives you the power to control what to share and when. You can turn permissions off at any time and still continue to use the app.
- Clearer Notification Settings – You’ll only see notification controls for sensors that an app has specifically requested access to. For example, if an application doesn’t request microphone access, it will not appear in the list.
- S/MIME Support – The new S/MIME feature in BlackBerry Hub lets you digitally sign and encrypt your emails, adding another level of security to your communications.
Enhanced BlackBerry Keyboard
PRIV’s BlackBerry Keyboard has been updated to provide better predictive typing, accuracy and control with these new features.
- More Emoji – You’ll have access to over 200 new and updated emojis.
- New Keyboard Gestures – The new swipe capability allows you to drag your finger across the keys to enter words on the virtual and/or physical keyboard.
- Enhanced Word Prediction – The keyboard anticipates your next word based on where you place your fingers on keys. Also, predictive typing learns words with numbers and delivers better name suggestions based on your contacts.
- Better Cursor Control – Activate “Cursor Control” mode on the physical keyboard for easier positioning and control. You can accurately place the cursor on the screen by tapping a key on the physical keyboard.
Better Notifications
With Android M on PRIV, you can better organize apps and manage productivity with a touch of a button.
- Mute Indicator – See the phone’s mute status at a glance via the floating phone indicator that appears when a call is active. You’ll see yellow when your call is muted and green when it isn’t.
- New Apps in BlackBerry Hub (right) – Now view notifications from even more of your favorite social media apps – including Instagram, Skype, Slack and Pinterest – directly in BlackBerry Hub to easily manage all your messages in one place.
- Updated BlackBerry Launcher – Better organize apps and widgets into Recent, Personal and Work sections, and you can set a default home screen, delete a home screen and remove apps with a flick.
More Battery Life & Storage
Get even more out of PRIV with battery performance and storage updates.
- Doze – When PRIV is at rest, Doze automatically puts your device into a sleep state to increase standby battery life.
- App Standby – This new feature keeps infrequently used apps from impacting your battery life.
- Media Card Encryption Support – You can safely and permanently increase your PRIV’s storage capacity by encrypting your media cards. If your PRIV is lost or stolen, prying eyes can’t take the media card out of your PRIV and view or copy it. This is a feature that many other Android phone makers do not support.
Camera Upgrades
Engage your creative side with new tools that help you capture the perfect image with ease and flair.
Capture Professional and Cinematic Quality Videos – Record videos at 24fps – the standard frame rate used in professional feature-length motion pictures – in 4k, 1080p or 720p for high-quality footage to share on social media.
Slow-Motion Video – Capture smooth slow-motion video with the PRIV’s camera. Capture video at 120 fps and play it back smoothly at 30 fps. The slow-motion effect can be applied after taking the video, and it even can be applied to select specific sections of the video. (Audio is not enabled for slow-motion video at this time.)
Source and Images: http://blogs.blackberry.com/2016/04/sweet-android-6-0-marshmallow-now-available-on-priv/
[PRIV更新] BlackBerryPRIV 正式推送 Android Marshmallow 棉花糖 (Android M) (16年5月份)
▲這是在12月7日的首個大型 OTA (檔案約4xxMB) 更新後,第六個系統及安全 OTA 小更新。
▲是次 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow 棉花糖 (Android M)更新檔案約1100或1771MB。
▲BlackBerryPRIV 更新後的 Android 版本為6.0.1,系統版本號碼為 AAE570。Android 安全性修補程式等級及日期(2016年5月1日),PRIV 的安全性修補程式就是比Nexus更早收到通新。
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