
BlackBerry Dallas/Oslo (BlackBerry Passport 金屬版本)即將在星馬印上市

BlackBerry Dallas/Oslo (BlackBerry Passport 金屬版本)即將在星馬印上市


根據友站ourberries.com報導,BlackBerry Passport 金屬版本 BlackBerry Dallas (內部代號Oslo) 已通過新加坡IDA、印度尼西亞e-Postel以及馬來西亞e-CoM三家認證機構,產品型號為 SQW110-4,即是BlackBerry Dallas (內部代號Oslo) 將會在近期內在這三個國家進行上市。至於一直傳聞的 BlackBerry x Android OS 新手機消息,就請留意我們黑莓會後續的報導吧……

BlackBerry Dallas 延續 Passport方形的設計風格,在硬件配置方面採用了高通驍龍801處理器,主頻為2.2GHz。屏幕方面該機採用了1440*1440方形LCD顯示屏。攝像頭方面採用了前置200萬像素+後置1300萬像素攝像頭,運行BlackBerry OS 10.3.2操作系統,機身內置3450mAh電池。


So, the latest news is that BlackBerry Singapore has gotten approval from IDA for another model of the BlackBerry Passport. Rumours have it that it is the BlackBerry Dallas or Windermere2 and have a code name of SQW-100-4. The original Passport has SQW-100-1 and the AT&T variant SQW-100-3. Could this be the Oslo or something else?

Apparently, the device was originally slated for a June 30th release, but the device was pushed back into an early-mid July launch instead. Probably because of delay in getting approval?

The phone is purported to have:

LTE band support: LTE 700, LTE 800, LTE 850, LTE 900, LTE 1700, LTE 1800, LTE 1900, LTE 2100, LTE 2600 MHz bands

HSPA+ band support: UMTS 800/UMTS 850, UMTS 900, AWS 1700, PCS 1900, IMT 2100 MHz bands

GSM band support: GSM 850, GSM 900, DCS 1800, PCS 1900 MHz bands

And if it is the Oslo:

It would get the same 2.2GHz Snapdragon 801 processor with 3GB of RAM, 3,450mAh capacity battery and the similar set of 3-row QWERTY keys. The back also gets the same 13MP OIS camera and likely the front maintains the same 4.5″ 1440×1440 pixels resolution display. Out of the box, it should be running on a newer BlackBerry OS 10.3.2 with its own host of business solutions like Blackberry Blend and BlackBerry Assistant.

Source: ourberries.com

[ BlackBerry Dallas/Oslo (BlackBerry Passport 金屬版本)即將在星馬印上市 ]

BlackBerry Dallas Available SM_bbc_01▲上圖依左至右為 BlackBerryLeap,  BlackBerry Dallas (Oslo) 及 BlackBerryPassport 。(Photo: @Internet)


BlackBerry Dallas Available SM_bbc_02▲早前N4BB流出的 BlackBerry Dallas (Oslo) 實機照片。(Photo: @N4BB.com)


BlackBerry Dallas Available SM_bbc_03BlackBerry Dallas (內部代號Oslo) 已現身於新加坡IDA、印度尼西亞e-Postel以及馬來西亞e-CoM三家認證機構。


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