[會員優惠] 獨家 Store.ShopBlackBerry.com BlackBerry Classic 低至港幣HK$2511起
[會員優惠] 獨家 Store.ShopBlackBerry.com BlackBerry Classic 低至港幣HK$2511起
BlackBerry 官方網店(Store.ShopBlackBerry.com) 優惠碼又來了,今次是85折優惠碼 15% Off Discounts Code: 9rp7xj8g2 or rrixeoxnu ,想以優惠價買 BlackBerry 手機的可留意一下了。更多 BlackBerry 的消息請留意我們黑莓會的後續報導吧……
今次是85折優惠碼 15% Off Discounts Code: 9rp7xj8g2 or rrixeoxnu :
- BlackBerry Passport 銀版 85折後的售價為美金US$466,換算約港幣HK$3634。
- BlackBerry Passport 黑色/白色版 85折後的售價為美金US$424,換算約港幣HK$3307。
- BlackBerry Classic 鈷藍色限量版 / 黑色版 85折後的售價為美金US$322,換算約港幣HK$2511。
- BlackBerry Leap 灰色版/白色版 85折後的售價為美金US$169,換算約港幣HK$1318。
獨家 http://store.shopblackberry.com/ 85折優惠碼 15% Off Discounts Code: 9rp7xj8g2 or rrixeoxnu ,使用詳情及條款如下:
- 該優惠碼只適用於 BlackBerry Passport, BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition, BlackBerry Classic and BlackBerry Leap,
- 該代碼不能與其他折扣或優惠同時使用,
- 此優惠只適用於新購買ShopBlackBerry.com 的Order,
- 此優惠由即日起至2016年2月29日下午11:59,
- 一切條款以英文版本為準。
2015美国亚马逊Amazon直邮中国海淘攻略教程: http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/20b68a88b39470796cec628a.html
海淘攻略:为什么海淘.海淘新手入门介绍.海淘攻略教程: http://www.douban.com/group/topic/74311349/
Dear @BlackBerryClubs Fans, Exclusive 15% Off Discounts Code: 9rp7xj8g2 or rrixeoxnu through Store.ShopBlackBerry.com :
- A purchase is defined as one BlackBerry device
- This code is only valid through ShopBlackBerry.com but codes can be used in any country that ShopBlackBerry services. The countries ShopBlackBerry services now include Italy, the Netherlands and Spain in addition to Canada, USA, UK, Germany and France
- The code is redeemable for BlackBerry Passport, BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition, BlackBerry Classic and BlackBerry Leap devices only (all other BlackBerry 10 devices and PRIV are excluded) — in any color — it is not valid for accessories or other products
- The code cannot be combined with other discounts or offers
- The offer cannot be extended to previous ShopBlackBerry.com purchases — it’s valid for new purchases only
- The offer expires on February 29, 2016 at 11:59 pm ET and is void where prohibited or restricted by law
[會員優惠] 獨家 Store.ShopBlackBerry.com BlackBerry Classic 低至港幣HK$2511起
▲85折優惠碼 15% Off Discounts Code: 9rp7xj8g2 or rrixeoxnu ,BlackBerry Classic 鈷藍色限量版 85折後的售價為美金US$322,換算約港幣HK$2511。
▲85折優惠碼 15% Off Discounts Code: 9rp7xj8g2 or rrixeoxnu ,BlackBerry Classic 黑色版 85折後的售價為美金US$322,換算約港幣HK$2511。
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- Website: http://www.BlackBerryClubs.com
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