Blaq for BlackBerry10 Redeem 及 BlackBerry10 使用兌換碼教學文
Blaq for BlackBerry10 Redeem 及 BlackBerry10 使用兌換碼教學文
我們 BlackBerryClubs 黑莓會 除了發佈 BlackBerry 上的重點新聞消息外,若時間許可的話也會發佈一些 BlackBerry 的教學文及使用心得,今次就讓我們 BlackBerryClubs 黑莓會 介紹 Blaq for BlackBerry10 Redeem 及 BlackBerry10 使用兌換碼教學吧。
Blaq for BlackBerry10 開發者 Kisai Labs 為我們送上了原價美金 2.99 的 Redeem Code 兌換碼,Blaq for BlackBerry 10 為 BlackBerry10 上的第三方 Twitter 原生App ,特點是順暢的 Twitter 瀏覽體驗,完美整合至 BBM 及 BlackBerryHub 上,更取得 Built for BlackBerry 認證。更多 BlackBerry 的消息請留意我們黑莓會的後續報導吧……
Thanks for DAVID BENSIMON @ http://www.blackberry-fr.com/
Source: http://www.blackberry-fr.com/43266/50-copies-gratuites-blaq-blackberry-10/
Blaq for BlackBerry 10™ show-stopping features:
- Fast scrolling
- Interactive gesture engine for quick actions to keep you moving
- REAL-TIME Twitter streaming support
- Power-conscious – When minimized, Blaq goes into low-power mode to save battery
- The most advanced muting system – mute based on multiple criteria
- Sharing – Share from just about any app to Blaq and vice versa
- Active Frame – Know when you get new tweets, mentions or direct messages
- BBM™ integration – share tweets updates with your BBM™ contacts
- Native or editable retweet support (hold down on RT icon in detail screen)
- In-app notifications
- Push notifications
- Follow, Retweet and favorite notifications
- Background notifications when the app is closed
- Scheduled tweets
- Hub integration
- Light and dark themes
- Twitter username auto-completion
- Use emoji and emoticons when creating tweets
- Image previews within Blaq
- View your lists curated from Twitter.com
- Multi-account support
- Search people and tweets
- Photo posting – Twitter
- Support for ALL BlackBerry 10 devices support
[ Blaq for BlackBerry10 Redeem 使用兌換碼教學文 ]
▲大家也可關注我們 BlackBerryClubs 黑莓會的官方Twitter: http://twitter.com/BlackBerryClubs。
▲首先在手機上開啟 BlackBerry World ,及後在頂端向下滑動開出 Redeem 兌換選單。
▲在 Redeem 兌換選單中輸入上這次的 Redeem Code 兌換碼 : BLAQBBFR50 後按OK。
▲完成 Redeem 兌換過程後,便可看到右上角的價格已轉為 Free 免費了,再按下 Free 免費及認證一次 BlackBerryID 便能免費下載 Blaq for BlackBerry 10 了。
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- Website: http://www.BlackBerryClubs.com
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