
[BBLogs] BlackBerryClubs.com 加入了 BBLOGS.INFO 列表 MEMBER AT BBLOGS.INFO

[BBLogs] BlackBerryClubs.com 加入了 BBLOGS.INFO 列表 MEMBER AT BBLOGS.INFO



New listed site BlackBerryClubs.com BlackBerry Blogs

#TeamBBlogs New listed site: BlackBerryClubs.com




Take a look at our World Map -> Select the country -> Hong Kong



BBlogs.info is an open community/movement established for the BlackBerry fans worldwide. BBlogs.info was founded by several bloggers and developers from around the world and we continuously seeking and welcome new members widely.

Mission Statement:
BBlogs designed to promote and embrace the BlackBerry brand, its products and developers by providing them with a warm home and place to collaborate, cooperate and share. We want to unite the BlackBerry community under a single roof and direction while maintaining each member independence.

Who we are:
BBLogs.info does not intend to merge the blogs into one in any way, but rather work together in order to promote BlackBerry and it’s products. We take pride at our community. Our team is comprised of passionate enthusiasts who have earned their knowledge through years of dedicated, hands-on, experience. We share stories. We embrace multiple points of view. This approach has us foster a wide community, and a extremely high level of authenticity.

BlackBerryClubs.com (黑莓會) 聯絡方法:



