BlackBerryOS 10.3.2 在未來幾週將會 OTA 官方推送至所有 BlackBerry 10 裝置上
BlackBerryOS 10.3.2 在未來幾週將會 OTA 官方推送至所有 BlackBerry 10 裝置上
BlackBerry 官方 Blog 上剛向外宣佈,BlackBerryOS 10.3.2 及 BlackBerry Blend 1.2 在未來幾週內將會官方 OTA 推送至所有 BlackBerry 10 裝置上,就讓我們 BlackBerryClubs 黑莓會 簡介今次官方 OTA 推送的幾個重點吧。有了這些更新,你的設備將更加安全,更私密,讓您更富有效率。
- BlackBerry Blend 1.2
- Anti-theft protection in BlackBerry Protect
- Camera
- BlackBerry Calendar
Question: What’s better than 10.3.1? 10.3.2!
- Another Question: What’s better than one update? TWO updates!
- Over the coming weeks, BlackBerry 10.3.2 and BlackBerry Blend 1.2will roll out for the entire line of BlackBerry 10 devices.
- With these updates, your device will be more secure and more private, keeping you even more productive.
- When you update to BlackBerry 10.3.2, you’ll gain access to great new enhancements across your whole device.
- Let’s take a closer look.
[ BlackBerryOS 10.3.2 及 BlackBerry Blend 1.2 在未來幾週內將會官方 OTA 推送至所有 BlackBerry 10 裝置上 ]
- BlackBerry Blend 1.2
▲這次官方 OTA 推送至所有 BlackBerry 10 裝置上。
▲BlackBerry Blend 1.2 新的用戶界面。這種全新的設計能令你更快查看信息和內容,和更容易互動。新增拼字檢查改善,及能夠直接從彈出通知畫面回覆訊息。
- 加強 BlackBerry Protect 防盜保護
眾所皆知,私隱和安全是 BlackBerry 的核心價值。BlackBerry Protect 允許你在遺失或被盜手機時停用你的 BlackBerry10 裝置,確保沒有人可以 Wipe 及開動你的 BlackBerry10 手機(檢視位置,播放音效,顯示訊息,鎖定裝置,清除裝置
標記為遭竊)。BlackBerry Protect
- Anti-theft protection in BlackBerry Protect
As you know, privacy and security is at the heart of BlackBerry’s DNA. BlackBerry Protectallows you to disable the device is it’s lost or stolen ensuring no one can wipe and reactive your BlackBerry. Read about this couple that tracked down their missing BlackBerry phone back intact thanks to BlackBerry Protect.
- Camera
Productivity and efficiency comes in many different forms. Many of us can’t afford to spend 5 minutes fiddling around with shot after shot trying to get a clear image every time we want to take a picture.
The camera enhancements with 10.3.2 include: low light performance in auto-mode, improved face-detection, and reduced blur caused by motion. All of these make taking pictures in any situation as easy as point-and-shoot.
- BlackBerry Calendar
Meetings. Meetings. And more meetings. Many of us have full schedules, and with the 10.3.2 update, the BlackBerry Calendar comes to the rescue.
As always, when you enable Meeting Mode on your BlackBerry Calendar, your phone automatically sets your phone to quiet for the duration of your meeting. With 10.3.2, you can now customize this feature to work however you need it to by specifying the events controlled by Meeting Mode, such as adding calendars to the ignore list.
And back by popular demand, your BlackBerry Calendar month view will show shrinking & growing date numbers depending on how busy your schedule is that day to show you just how busy the workday is at a glance.
Source: http://blogs.blackberry.com/
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