BlackBerry 近日針對安全保密而為 BBM 進行大更新,一眾尼地政府官員快看 BBM 這些安全保密的新功能吧
BlackBerry 近日針對安全保密而為 BBM 進行大更新,一眾尼地政府官員快看 BBM 這些安全保密的新功能吧
要選安全保密及多功能的 IM 即時通訊軟件,識得用梗係用 BBM。BBM 由已往需撘配 BlackBerry BIS Plan 高昂月費才能使用的 BBOS 年代中, 進化到現在新版本已不需要選用 BlackBerry BIS Plan 才能使用,更推廣至能多平台使用 (包括有: iOS®, Android™, Windows Phone® and BlackBerry10®.) 。
BlackBerry 近日更針對安全保密而為 BBM 進行大更新,此外還有針對企業撘配 BES12 專用的 BBM Protected,所以一眾尼地政府官員也要看看 BBM 這些安全保密的新功能吧。
由 BlackBerry Limited 官方開發的 BBM for BlackBerry 10 App 在 BlackBerry World 裡更新了版本 。今次主要月費訂閱的 Privacy and Control Subscription 更新包括: 私密聊天,時限訊息和時限圖片, 撤回訊息, 編輯訊息等功能 (Private Chat , Timed Messages and Pictures , Retract Message, Edit Message)
帶來了新的功能包括: Sticker貼圖排序, 引用訊息 (Ability to Order Sticker Packs , Quote Message) 和增強用戶體驗等等 ,更多 BlackBerry World App 的消息請留意我們黑莓會的後續報導吧……
Private Chat feature. By starting a private chat he can ensure that his sensitive messages are kept discreet, and that his secret remains a secret. There’s no names, no profile pictures, and the chat ends automatically after a short period of time. Now the screenshot is useless, because no one knows who said what! It’s the closest thing to chatting in person, and I know a few people who are really going to love this new feature.
Private Chat is included in the new Privacy and Control Subscription, which replaces the existing Timed and Retracted Messages Subscription.
Included in the Privacy and Control Subscription, you get:
- Private Chat
- Timed messages and pictures
- Retract messages and pictures
- Edit Message (Which is also new to the subscription. Made a mistake? Now you can retract it, change it, and send your message again.)
The Privacy and Control bundle is $0.99 per month, and for me, it’s already paid for itself.
Current Timed and Retracted Messages subscribers will be automatically upgraded at no additional cost.
What else is new?
As I mentioned a few weeks ago we’ve redesigned BBM for Android from the ground up, using material design principlesas inspiration.
We’ve also:
- Added a new way to organize your ever-growing sticker collection
- Implemented a new “quote message” feature so you can reference previous messages in your chat
- Updated the way font sizes are rendered on iOS. iPhone users are going to love that their BBM font size is based on the size selected in system settings.
BBM Protected is designed to provide full end-to-end message encryption from the time a BBM Protected user sends a message to when the recipient receives the message. It incorporates three layers of security.
- BBM Protected introduces a new layer of encryption to the existing BBM security model.
- Messages between BBM Protected users are encrypted using a PGP like model. The sender and recipient have unique public/private encryption and signing keys.
- These keys are generated on the device, by the FIPS 140-2 certified cryptographic library, and are controlled by the enterprise.
- Each message uses a new random symmetric key for message encryption.
- A Triple DES 168-bit BBM scrambling key encrypts messages on the sender’s smartphone, and is used to authenticate and decrypt messages on the recipient’s phone.
- TLS encryption between the smartphone and the BBM infrastructure helps protect BBM messages from eavesdropping or manipulation.
[ 由 BlackBerry Limited 官方開發的 BBM for BlackBerry 10 App 在 BlackBerry World 裡更新了版本 ]
▲iOS, Android OS, Windows Phone OS, BlackBerryOS 10 用戶可即時到 http://www.bbm.com/ 下載。
▲月費訂閱的 Privacy and Control Subscription 更新包括: 私密聊天,時限訊息和時限圖片, 撤回訊息, 編輯訊息等功能 (Private Chat , Timed Messages and Pictures , Retract, Message, Edit Message)。
▲可在聊天畫面右側找到啟用私密聊天 Start Private Chat 功能。
▲在私密聊天 Private Chat 聊天畫面裡,所有對話中的訊息也不會雙方的名字及圖像,這個聊天畫面也會在短時間內自動消失。
▲按實已傳送的訊息,可找到撤回訊息 Retract Message ,編輯訊息 Edit Message 功能。
▲帶來了新的功能: Sticker貼圖排序 Ability to Order Sticker Packs 。
▲可在聊天畫面右側找到新的功能引用訊息 Quote Message 。
Source: http://blogs.blackberry.com/2015/06/bbm-update-control-what-you-share-with-confidence/
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