BBM for BlackBerry 10 在 Beta Zone 更新至版本BBM Beta v10.9.x.11
BBM for BlackBerry 10 在 Beta Zone 更新至版本BBM Beta v10.9.x.11
由 BlackBerry Limited 官方開發的 BBM for BlackBerry 10 App 在 BlackBerry Beta Zone 裡更新了版本 10.9.x.11 ,早前參與了 Beta Zone 測試 BBM 而又被選中的才有機會收到這更新。今次主要更新包括: 私聊訊息, 編輯訊息
, 定時消息和圖片, 撤回訊息, (Private Chat , Edit Message , Timed Messages and Pictures , Retract) 和帶來了新的功能包括 Ability to Order Sticker Packs , Quote Message 和增強用戶體驗等等 ,更多 BlackBerry World App 的消息請留意我們黑莓會的後續報導吧……
This beta version of BBM introduces:
- Private Chat: make sure your sensitive messages are kept confidential. In a private chat, all contact information is hidden, and new message notifications are discreet. Your chat is automatically deleted on both ends when the chat is inactive or closed. To start a private chat, open the menu from within a 1:1 chat and select “Start Private Chat”. Private chat is included in the new Privacy and Control Subscription, which bundles several powerful features into one convenient subscription.
This new subscription includes the following components:
- Private Chat
- Edit Message
- Timed Messages and Pictures
- Retract
All existing Timed and Retracted Messages Subscribers will be upgraded to the new Privacy and Control Subscription at no additional cost. Remember: we are technically limited from providing these bundles for free in beta. Please only test if you are interested in purchasing the subscription.
Additional Features:
- Ability to Order Sticker Packs: Now you have the ability to customize which Sticker Packs you see in your main Sticker Picker view using the Stickers Settings Menu.
- Quote Message: Reference and reply to a previous message in your chat. To quote a message, tap and hold on it and select “Quote Message”.
Source: CrackBerry
[ BBM for BlackBerry 10 在 Beta Zone 更新至版本BBM Beta v10.9.x.11 ]
▲今次主要更新 Private Chat , Edit Message , Timed Messages and Pictures , Retract 和帶來了新的功能。
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