
[財經消息] BlackBerry 收購英國 Encription 網絡安全顧問管理公司

[財經消息] BlackBerry 收購英國 Encription 網絡安全顧問管理公司


BlackBerry 發出新聞稿宣佈已經達成一項最終收購協議,收購英國 Encription 網絡安全顧問管理公司,以進一步提高 BlackBerry 在手機移動安全及企業數據管理的領導地位……

BlackBerry Limited,前稱Research in Motion (RIM) 在2006-2016這十年間,BlackBerry 已成功收購了約30間不同相關的手機移動/安全/企業/網絡安全等公司,以強化 BlackBerry 在手機移動安全及企業數據管理的領導地位。

BlackBerry 在 2006-2016 成功收購約30間公司列表:

Date Company Business Country Value (USD) References
10 March 2006 Ascendent Systems Enterprise voice mobility solutions  United States Undisclosed [1]
10 June 2006 Slipstream Data Inc. Data Compression  Canada Undisclosed [2]
22 November 2006 Epoch Integration Wireless network firm  Canada Undisclosed [3]
23 January 2009 Certicom Cryptography  Canada Undisclosed [4]
30 January 2009 Chalk Media Software  Canada $23,125,000[5] [6]
13 February 2009 Alt-N Technologies Mail transfer agent  United States Undisclosed [7]
5 June 2009 Dash Navigation Car Navigation Systems  United States Undisclosed [8]
24 August 2009 Torch Mobile WebKit Mobile Browser  Canada Undisclosed [9]
26 March 2010 Viigo News / Data aggregation  Canada Undisclosed [10]
9 April 2010 QNX Software Systems Unix like OS  Canada $200 million[11] [12][13]
24 August 2010 Cellmania App store software maker  United States Undisclosed [14]
8 September 2010 Documents To Go and other assets Office suite  United States $50 million [15]
2 December 2010 The Astonishing Tribe Interface wizards  Sweden $150 million [16]
14 February 2011 Gist Professional contact manager  United States Undisclosed [17]
25 March 2011 tinyHippos Mobile web development  Canada Undisclosed [18]
27 April 2011 Tungle.me Social calendaring  Canada Undisclosed [19]
7 June 2011 Scoreloop Social gaming  Germany $71 Million [20]
2 May 2011 Ubitexx Mobile device management  Germany Undisclosed [21]
22 July 2011 Jaycut Video editing  Sweden Undisclosed [22]
7 October 2011 NewBay Content provider  Ireland $100 Million [23]
8 March 2012 Paratek RF multi-band handsets  United States Undisclosed [24]
May 2013 Scroon Social marketing company  France Undisclosed [25]
29 July 2014 Secusmart GmbH Voice and Data Encryption  Germany Undisclosed [26]
11 September 2014 Movirtu Virtual SIM solutions  United Kingdom Undisclosed [27]
21 April 2015 WatchDox Ltd. Enterprise data sync and share  Israel Undisclosed [28]
22 July 2015 AtHoc, Inc. Networked crisis communications  United States Undisclosed [29]
4 August 2015 Good Technology Mobile Security Provider  United States $425 Million [30]

Cyber threats are pervasive in today’s increasingly interconnected, mobile and cloud-enabled environment. It’s estimated that the global economy takes a $400 billion hit every year due to data breaches. This astronomical cost will only increase as certain industry sectors, such as automotive, are dealing with cyber-attacks and threats for the first time. BlackBerry’s Professional Cybersecurity Practice is intended to directly address this challenge.

As part of the new service, we have acquired UK-based Encription Limited. They will be an impactful addition to our consulting practice as they bring years of deep experience in cybersecurity consulting. Among other things, Encription specializes in penetration testing – which means they can mimic the techniques of malicious hackers and take those learnings to educate and mitigate the cyber risks posed by criminal hackers. Encription is also entrusted by one of the UK government’s highest security standards with the CESG CHECK IT and ISO/IEC 27001 certifications.

The new Professional Cybersecurity Services practice will provide:

  • Strategic Security: best practices in IT operation ranging across enterprise mobility management and cloud services.
  • Technical Security: technical assistance for infrastructure and product development lifecycle.
  • Automotive and IoT Security: security consulting services as the rapid commercialization of IoT solutions makes security and privacy a top priority.
  • Detection, Testing and Analysis: threat detection and mitigation penetration testing, vulnerability assessment and incident response analysis. This includes forensic services, business security status via IT health checks, training, regulatory compliance and security breach management through incident response.

BlackBerry has made 29 acquisitions to date, including several in the security space such as Watchdox in 2015 for up to $150 million, Secusmart for voice encryption, and Good Technology (which covers security as part of its mobile device management services). Encription is the first that focuses less on tech and more on a services team that helps implement and manage larger solutions.

Source: http://www.encription.co.uk/news/



[財經消息] BlackBerry 已收購英國 Encription 網絡安全顧問管理公司


▲英國 Encription 網絡安全顧問管理公司,在全球提供絡安全諮詢服務。

BlackBerry Acquiring Watchdox_bbc_01

▲BlackBerry 在2015年收購 WatchDox,公司主要業務是開發文件保護軟件,允許其用戶以最安全的方式保護共享其文件如何被編輯、複製、打印或轉發,還允許管理員對其文件進行遠端鎖定或刪除外洩文件,以防止黑客訪問篡改文件。


BlackBerry Acquiring Watchdox_bbc_03

▲BlackBerry 在2014年收購德國安全公司Secusmart及後推出 SecuTABLET 。

BlackBerry Acquiring Watchdox_bbc_04

▲BlackBerry 在2014年收購英國倫敦虛擬SIM卡廠商Movirtu,這些戰略併購也擴展了BlackBerry的業務範圍,從而滿足企業客戶及和政府機構等核心客戶的需求。


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