Porsche Design在雜誌@高峰傲GafencuMen 舉辦的The Best of the Best 2015大獎賽中被選為中國最重要奢侈品牌之一
“Porsche Design” has been selected by “Gafencu Men” as one of China’s foremost luxury brands in its exclusive 2015 Best of the Best Edition.
Porsche Design在雜誌@高峰傲GafencuMen 舉辦的The Best of the Best 2015大獎賽中被選為中國最重要奢侈品牌之一
保時捷設計Porsche Design在精英男性雜誌@高峰傲GafencuMen 舉辦的The Best of the Best 2015大獎賽中,被選為中國最重要奢侈品牌之一。
作為代表登上雜誌的是保時捷設計Porsche Design和黑莓BlackBerry第三次合作的結晶品P’9983
70% Off or More: #BlackBerry http://amzn.to/1Sincnj
50% Off or More: #PorscheDesign http://amzn.to/1G8m3pJ
高峰傲簡介: 無論在香港或大中華地區,《高峰傲》絕對是成功男士的必備讀物,也是達至名成利就和打造超凡品位的必備指南。
Source: http://www.weibo.com/u/2236282030?topnav=1&wvr=6&topsug=1#1427476758439
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