
BlackBerry Popup Store 實體店德國法蘭克福(歐盟經濟首都)正式開幕

BlackBerry Popup Store 實體店德國法蘭克福(歐盟經濟首都)正式開幕


BlackBerry Popup Store 實體商店今天在德國法蘭克福開幕了,外號為 “BlackBerry  Vault”。BlackBerry Store 實體商店將設在MyZeil購物中心的二樓,商店面積佔地約1722平方尺,只作零售並不提供手機維修服務。展出的機包括: BlackBerry Leap, BlackBerry Classic, BlackBerry Passport 及 BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition。

順帶一提,BlackBerry 2016年第二季度財政業績也緊接在 BlackBerry Store 9月25日公佈,不知到時會否正式公佈傳聞中的 BlackBerry Venice。更多BlackBerry 的消息請留意我們黑莓會的後續報導吧……


BlackBerry opened it’s Popup Store in Frankfurt, Germany today, under the moniker “The BlackBerry Vault”.

The BlackBerry Vault is open from today for 23 days and is located on the 2nd floor of the MyZeil shopping center.

On the second floor of the most visited shopping center in Germany, visitors can view the entire current product range of BlackBerry’s and try and buy devices directly, with or without subsidies.

On show were the BlackBerry Leap, BlackBerry Classic, BlackBerry Passport, the BlackBerry Passport in white, and of course the BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition.

The Vault also includes a variety of accessories and a lounge where BlackBerry will hold workshops under the slogan “Chill and Learn”.

Source and Images: Rapidmobile.biz


[ BlackBerry Popup Store 實體店德國法蘭克福(歐盟經濟首都)正式開幕 ]


▲BlackBerry Senior Manager Technical Solutions Kai Schulte 向我們展示 BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition。



▲BlackBerry Store 實體商店將設在MyZeil購物中心的二樓,商店面積佔地約1722平方尺,只作零售並不提供手機維修服務。


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